Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hello World! we go! I've decided to take the plunge and start a blog. A little about myself - I am a SAHM to a wonderful little girl. We live outside of Austin, TX but I am not originally from here. I am actually a military brat. My dad was in the Air Force so I got to live in some really cool places. I spent most of my elementary life in Korea and my junior high and high school years in Japan (Go Yokota!). Living in Korea and Japan, I was surrounded by cuteness or as they say, Kawaii. I love cute and colorful things and recently decided to open an Etsy shop dedicated to cute craft supplies. I currently sell buttons (below are some examples) but will be bringing more cuteness very soon. I also enjoy photography. I'm not exactly where I'd like to be but I am getting better and better. Having an Etsy business gives me a lot of practice. OK - enough intro, let's get this thing started!