Saturday, July 3, 2010

Endless Possibilities with an Envelope Template

One of the best items I got in my shipment from Japan was an envelope template by Anticca (Decole). It is made of wood and makes custom envelope-making super simple. You can use anything to make an envelope - newspaper, wrapping paper, card stock, etc. Below is a quick tutorial on an envelope I made using the template. For the paper, I used a scrapbook page that I got from Hobby Lobby for 59cents.

Here are the items you will need:

Trace the envelope template onto the back of the paper:

Cut the paper along the line you created with the template, then fold the flaps in along the fold line you traced. Put glue on the right and left flaps, then fold the bottom flap up and press along the right and left sides to seal.

And wa-la! Don't forget to erase the top fold line you traced otherwise the recipient will see it when they open the envelope. You actually do not need to trace the fold lines, I skipped that part for my second envelope and it came out just fine.

Here's another one I made for a card my little girl made for a birthday party she's going to. Super cute, super easy!

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